Founders Prize
The Founders Prize originated from a bequeath given in the will of Edgar Henry Summers who was the Founder and President of this Association from 1926/27.
Such prize to be known as the Founders Prize.
The Will directed that a sum of money be paid annually to the Worcester County Swimmer whom the Management Board deemed most outstanding in the year prior to the AGM.
"I direct that out of the net income arising from my residuary estate- The sum of Ten Pounds shall be paid annually to the Worcestershire County Amateur Swimming Association (of which I was the founder) to purchase a prize for the outstanding swimmer of the year in the County to be chosen by the Committee, such prize to be known as Founders Prize, such sum to be given during the life of Princess Anne and Prince Charles and twenty-one years after the death of the survivor."
Club nominations together with a CV must be received by the Hon Secretary (email: secretary@swimworcestercounty.org) no later than the 1st October.
2024 - Mr D Annis - Pershore
2023 - Miss R. Redfern - Worcester
2022 - Mr P. Wilkes - Redditch
2021 - Miss R. Redfern - Worcester
2020 - Mr O. Jones - Ledbury and Malvern Swimming Club
2019 - Mr. S Osborne - Wyre Forest Swimming Club
2018 - Mr D. Day - Worcester & Worcester Crocodiles
2017 - Mr P. Wilkes - Redditch
2016 - Mr S. Kindred - City of Hereford
2015 - Miss B. Horton - Stourbridge
2014 - Miss C. Finch - Halesowen
2013 - Miss B. Horton - Stourbridge
2012 - A. Markall - Haden Hill
2011 - P. Wilkes - Redditch
2010 - Miss R. Cole - Stourbridge
2009 - G. Harrington - Warley Wasps
2008 - S. Kindred - Leomister Kingfishers
2007 - T. Stokes - Ledbury and District
2006 - Miss A. Smith - Wyre Forest
2005 - Miss L. Collins - Stourbridge
2004 - Miss C. Cashmore - Wyre Forest
2003 - A. Parsonage - Warley Wasps
2002 - Miss L. Campbell - Stourbridge
2001 - Miss L. Campbell - Stourbridge
2000 - Miss V. Hawkins - Halesowen
1999 - T. Cooper - Stourbridge
1998 - T. Cooper - Stourbridge
1997 - Miss R. Genner - Haden Hill
1996 - K. Shepherd - Stourbridge
1995 - Miss R. Genner - Stourbridge
1994 - J. Salter - Redditch
1993 - J. Salter - Redditch
1992 - C. Holmes - Kidderminster
1991- A. Ruckwood - Haden Hill
1990 - A. Ruckwood - Haden Hill
1989 - C. Holmes - Kidderminster
1988 - R. Lee - Evesham
1987 - Miss A. Kindon Halesowen
1986 - D. Corden - Redditch
1985 - D. Corden - Redditch
1984 - Miss M. Sampson Worcester
1983 - S. Oates Stourbridge
1982 - Miss C. Gearey Haden Hill
1981 - Miss C. Gearey Haden Hill
1980 - Miss C. Gearey Haden Hill
1979 - I. Hatfield Haden Hill
1978 - Miss J. Beasley Halesowen
1977 - Miss J. Beasley Halesowen
1976 - Miss J. Beasley Halesowen
1975 - Miss J. Beasley Halesowen
1973 - K. Fox Oldbury
1972 - Miss A. Willington Wariey
1971 - Miss A. Willington Wariey
1970 - Miss A. Willington Wariey
1969 - Miss A. Willington Wariey
1968 - Miss A. Willington Wariey