Funding Information
£100 per candidate is available for Level 2 Teaching and Coaching courses. Initially the County can only guarantee one place per club depending on the number of applications received. Further funding may be allocated if funding is still available. On receipt of the completed application form, your application will be assessed for eligibility. Successful applicants will then receive notification of the grant to be awarded. When the course has been completed, you will need to advise the County Treasurer. When this is received and has been processed, your club will receive a cheque for the agreed amount directly from Worcester County SA. Please note that the cheque will be made payable to the club, not to the individual.
Please note:
Worcester County SA will not provide double funding for grant applications. All sources of funding will be taken into account prior to determining the funding to be awarded.
Applications must be received prior to the commencement of the course.
Clubs are encouraged to apply for funding through the Swim England West Midland Region and County Sport Partnership, where applicable.
The County reserves the right to offer less than the maximum amount, depending on current budgetary constraints.
1. Grant Aid is only available for Swim England Level 2 Teaching and Coaching courses.
2. Grant Aid is available for course fees only. No grant aid is available for travel, accommodation or subsistence.
3. Grant Aid does not become payable until a course has been completed.
4. Grant Aid is not allocated retrospectively.
5. All grants are paid to clubs through the club secretary, no grant aid funds are paid